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Håndlavet i Holland

Montessori inspiration

'Teach me to do it myself.' That is the essence of the Montessori lifestyle, which you increasingly see in children's rooms these days. The Montessori idea is that a child develops in their own way. There are different phases, during which a child is sensitive to learning. The art is to adapt to these different phases and provide the right environment and materials that suit the developmental stage the child is in, so that your child is encouraged to develop themselves.

Boekenrek montessori

Speelmeubel kinderkamer


Montessori bureau

Vores mål er at gøre børn og forældre glade med vores håndlavede træprodukter. Børnene, fordi vores produkter uden tvivl er en del af deres verden. Og forældrene, for vores produkter passer også rigtig fint ind i deres interiør.